Two Years Later

    Two Years Later

    It's been a while since I updated my website. I figure it's time because a lot has happened in my life. Personal, professional, and unprofessional. So let's get started. In January of 2014, I got divorced. Again. For the third time. I know, I know. Wtf? Believe me,...

    What I’ve Been Up To Lately

    What I’ve Been Up To Lately

    I haven't done an update in a while, because I've been busy with several projects. Besides trying to grow my computer business (anyone need a website?!?!) and working on a new ending for my book On The Run (my agent told me mine was 'outdated' and to make it 'more...

    America’s Next Ripoff

    America’s Next Ripoff has put on a contest called, "America's Next Author." A long-time friend of mine sent it my way as something I might be interested in. I thought, why not? So I looked into it. But this writing contest is not just any writing contest. This one's...