Bent All Out Of Joint

Bent All Out Of Joint

  I’m thirty-nine years old and I still think of myself as twenty-something.  I have a feeling this is what the old saying about being “young at heart” hints toward.  As a result of my still feeling young, I sometimes drag my hulking frame out...

Boy Toy Status Revoked

I turned thirty-six about a month ago and as you can tell from my blog, I consider myself officially getting old. Well, middle aged at least. Thinning hair and aching joints have become priorities, which I think are a decent indication that any "Boy Toy"...

Old Clothing Roulette

I've got an idea for a game show, and only in America, the land of the TV zombies, could this work.  I call it "Old Clothing Roulette."Contestants would bring clothes to the studio from all years of their adult life, along with their  high...

Happy Birthing Day To Me

Just like the song says, I'm another day older and deeper in debt.  I've always been a fan of birthdays due to that whole "receiving presents" thing.  And check this … for the privilege of being born, people treat you nice and want to...