The Bathroom Chair

The Bathroom Chair

not actual bathroom or chair I went to a married friend’s party this past weekend.  There were mostly couples there but my buddy promised me there would be some single women too.  So I went. It was awkward at first because I haven’t dated in a while but...
Good TP & Low-Flow Toilets

Good TP & Low-Flow Toilets

There are two kinds of toilet paper: the good stuff and the other stuff.  The good stuff is fluffy and squeezably soft while the other stuff is scratchy and noticably thin. The good stuff has commercials where kids cram it under their clothes and suddenly become...

All Hail The Bathroom Exhaust Fan

I want to know something.  Who invented the bathroom exhaust fan?  I'll tell you, a genius, that's who.  A veritable God among men.  Whoever it was may have inadvertently saved civilization from certain ruin.It's such a simple invention...