by Ross Cavins | Nov 2, 2010 | Newsflash
I get interviewed on about my upcoming book, Follow The Money. Check it out and enjoy! Interview Here – An Interview with Ross Cavins about his upcoming book release
by Ross Cavins | Nov 20, 2008 | Newsflash
Now, from one of America’s unsung writers, Ross Cavins, comes a book so humorous, so vile, so inane … it could only be a cry for help. Re-edited and re-released in July, 2010, just in time for the Christmas rush. If you’re looking for that perfect... by Ross Cavins | Oct 1, 2008 | Newsflash
I have a new piece on Scrivel I think you'll enjoy very much. It's a nostalgic piece in the same vein as Pat Conroy and a direction I hope some of my writing will take: Going Home