Milfs Abound

Milfs Abound

  Stacy’s Mom – Rachel Hunter. MILF.  A term I believe was made widely popular by the movie American Pie .  It means Mother-I’d-Love-to-Fornicate.  The F doesn’t really stand for fornicate. When I was sixteen, I had a thing for MILFs.  I...
You Can’t Catch Me!

You Can’t Catch Me!

My parents are getting older.  They’re in their sixties now.  While that’s still relatively young by today’s standards, they can’t do things like they used to. Every time I visit home, one or both of them is hobbling in some new way.  Hips,...

Happy Birthing Day To Me

Just like the song says, I'm another day older and deeper in debt.  I've always been a fan of birthdays due to that whole "receiving presents" thing.  And check this … for the privilege of being born, people treat you nice and want to...