The Dreaded Condom Aisle

The Dreaded Condom Aisle

One for every mood. All men eventually experience that first time in the condom aisle.  Be it in the local drug store or the 7-11 down the street, we’ve all had that “emergency” purchase.  It’s a very uncomfortable situation, worse than being...
The Greatest TV Intro Ever

The Greatest TV Intro Ever

It’s not Cheers or Friends or even MASH.  It’s not Who’s The Boss or Leave It To Beaver or The Brady Bunch.  Nor is it Scooby Doo or Monday Night Football or Arrested Development.  No, the greatest TV show intro ever edited is none other than …...
Scrabble on TV

Scrabble on TV

I was playing Scrabble yesterday and I began to wonder if they televised the Scrabble championships.  They have them, you know, because I’ve read about them.  But do they televise them?  Do they provide play-by-play with color commentary? Announcer Voice:  Hello...