Romancing The Stone

Romancing The Stone

I’m beginning my Life 3.0 and this weekend was one of mile”stones” for me.  I bought a car, a 2004 Pontiac Aztek.  It’s ugly, I know … it’s so ugly I love it.  More on that later … I also finalized moving to a new house.  More...
The Blind Date From Hell (pt2)

The Blind Date From Hell (pt2)

I pulled up to Becky’s place in my Mustang and lightly tapped the horn, as she’d asked me to do.  I waited.  And waited.  The house wasn’t in the best part of town which should have tipped me off right there but I’m an eternal optimist. I...
Getting There From Here

Getting There From Here

Men can be defined in more ways than having a penis.  We like our sports, whether we’re playing them or watching them.  We fart in our sleep even if we swear up and down that we don’t.  And we love to give directions. Men will even compete over who has the...

Saying Thanks In The South

In the American South, we are raised with manners as a matter of breeding.  We are taught to hold open doors for complete strangers, help those in need and say thanks to everyone for everything.  And I do mean everyone for everything.A few years ago, I was...