Thirty Years Later

Thirty Years Later

Second grade.  Mrs. Mim’s class.  It was a time of innocence and playfulness.  We were kids who knew nothing of the gas shortage or the real world.  The nation had not yet tasted inflation, political correctness hadn’t been invented and computers were the...
The Blind Date From Hell (pt2)

The Blind Date From Hell (pt2)

I pulled up to Becky’s place in my Mustang and lightly tapped the horn, as she’d asked me to do.  I waited.  And waited.  The house wasn’t in the best part of town which should have tipped me off right there but I’m an eternal optimist. I...
My First Date

My First Date

Everyone remembers their first date.  It’s a special experience that you never forget.  Like your first real kiss.  Or your first car.  Or your first computer. My first date was with Angela Smith.  We were both fifteen and went to different schools. ...
Bed Security

Bed Security

There’s a lot I miss about being married or in a serious relationship.  Cuddling on the couch when we’d watch TV, cooking a grandiose meal for two, taking naughty showers together.  And even providing bed security. Women know what I’m referring to,...