An American in Germany: Day Two (The Mecca to Aldi)

An American in Germany: Day Two (The Mecca to Aldi)

We are at the end of Day Two, and Germany continues to impress. Today, I visited my first German castle (it was closed but looked very old and sturdy from the outside). We did eat at the little café beside the castle: I had the schnitzel with cream sauce. And it was...
Pop Tarts (among other things)

Pop Tarts (among other things)

My normal breakfast consists of scarfing down a Pop Tart on my way to the office in the morning.  Usually because I’m too lazy to fix something healthy to eat. Sometimes, though, I switch to a granola bar.  Peanut Butter S’mores or Chocolate Chip Chunk. ...
I Follow The Moose Tracks

I Follow The Moose Tracks

Moose Tracks is one of the most popular ice cream flavors around.  Created by Denali Flavors , it first came on the market in the mid-90s and has steadily swept the nation.  I first remember trying it with Wife #1 in a little ice cream parlor on the waterfront in...
The Great Cereal Blog (part 2)

The Great Cereal Blog (part 2)

I don’t look this gay. First, The Great Cereal Blog (part 1) Remember when you were a kid and it was a big deal to go to the grocery store?  Do you recall why it meant so much to you?  Did it by any chance have anything to do with the venerated cereal aisle?...