The Blind Date From Hell (pt1)

The Blind Date From Hell (pt1)

It was the summer of ’91 and the first time in my life since I’d began dating that I found myself alone.  I just came off an engagement break-up and had met a girl at college who went home for the summer.  She would eventually become my first wife seven...

The Price Of Insanity

I was telling a friend last night about a movie I'd just seen on IFC, Intacto. It's an amazing foreign film that's totally refreshing and brilliant, especially after being bombarded with a steady barage of predictable Hollywood films. I didn't want to...

The Internet Has Ruinned Our Spelling Abilitys

It's true.  The world's spelling acuity, and America's in particular, has suffered immensely due to one major reason.  The advent of the Internet.This new medium has single-handedly opened up communications for the masses.  The tables have...

The Time Warner Debacle

The property management place where I work is moving offices and I was put in charge of coordinating all the utilities and services migration.  In other words, I had to call BellSouth (now AT&T), Time Warner, etc. and schedule dates for transfer of services,...