Thirty Years Later

Thirty Years Later

Second grade.  Mrs. Mim’s class.  It was a time of innocence and playfulness.  We were kids who knew nothing of the gas shortage or the real world.  The nation had not yet tasted inflation, political correctness hadn’t been invented and computers were the...

The Concept of Separate Bathrooms

I have some simple advice.  And since I've been married twice and freely admit to my mistakes, you can take it for what it's worth.  I can safely say that even though both marriages ended in divorce, I learned a lot during those relationships. ...

Looking Forward To Mondays

Among the many number of things I did wrong with my two wives, I did a great many correct.  It takes a lot to make a marriage work and outside forces are always working against you.  From your jobs threatening to steal your time to bills stealing your money...

Why Divorce Rates Are So High

Okay, first, if you’re looking for actual scientific data, you’re looking in the wrong place.  I’m totally pulling all this stuff out of my rear but since my rear has been divorced twice, I think I have a little experience in the matter. ...