52 Fake Dog Poo

52 Fake Dog Poo

The world is an amazing place.  Doctors and scientists find cures for diseases every day.  We communicate through tiny waves sent to space in spectrums that we can neither see nor hear without some pretty amazing technology to translate.  We can travel from one side...
The Lost Art of Shoe Tying

The Lost Art of Shoe Tying

 Kids nowadays, they got it made.  When I say kids, I mean little humans under the age of seven.  The ones who are excited about going to school because homework is actually fun.  The ones who can still get away with an occasional poop in the pants.  The ones who...

All Hail The Bathroom Exhaust Fan

I want to know something.  Who invented the bathroom exhaust fan?  I'll tell you, a genius, that's who.  A veritable God among men.  Whoever it was may have inadvertently saved civilization from certain ruin.It's such a simple invention...