Pork, The Natural Laxative

Pork, The Natural Laxative

Yesterday, I made the bestest breakfast in the world.  I fried up three sausage patties, six slices of bacon, and two eggs over easy.  Then I added two pieces of toast, slathered in enough butter so that it seeped through to the back of the bread. In an expert’s...
The Kettlenetics K-Bell

The Kettlenetics K-Bell

Look out for the newest fitness fad that’s sweeping the nation!  It’s the exercise craze that’s got Hollywood stars Matthew McConaughey and Katherine Heigel looking like a million dollars.  It’s Kettlenetics!! And oh my god, it’s a real...
Diet Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper

Diet Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper

After succumbing to the inevitable metabolism death, I underwent The Great Diet Switch .  Since that fateful day when I swore off regular sodas, I have rarely to drink one.  When a diet choice is available, even a particularly nasty one, I always take it. Such is my...
Fat Boy Asthma

Fat Boy Asthma

Growing up, I had what I affectionately called “Fat Boy Asthma.”  Whenever I would play sports, I had trouble breathing.  I never experienced an attack for no reason like most asthma sufferers, it only happened when I exerted myself.  In fact, that’s...

Old Clothing Roulette

I've got an idea for a game show, and only in America, the land of the TV zombies, could this work.  I call it "Old Clothing Roulette."Contestants would bring clothes to the studio from all years of their adult life, along with their  high...