The Blind Date From Hell (pt1)

The Blind Date From Hell (pt1)

It was the summer of ’91 and the first time in my life since I’d began dating that I found myself alone.  I just came off an engagement break-up and had met a girl at college who went home for the summer.  She would eventually become my first wife seven...

The Concept of Separate Bathrooms

I have some simple advice.  And since I've been married twice and freely admit to my mistakes, you can take it for what it's worth.  I can safely say that even though both marriages ended in divorce, I learned a lot during those relationships. ...
Alone In A Movie Theater

Alone In A Movie Theater

You know what’s great about a weekday matinee movie?  Not only is it cheaper but every once in a while, you can get the whole place to yourself.It’s not much different from being at home.  Except for the gum stuck to the chair.  And the overpriced food. ...

Looking Forward To Mondays

Among the many number of things I did wrong with my two wives, I did a great many correct.  It takes a lot to make a marriage work and outside forces are always working against you.  From your jobs threatening to steal your time to bills stealing your money...

Real Men Use Loofahs

It's the new millennium and has been for quite a few years.  The definition of what constitutes a man is being rewritten on a daily basis.  Not only is he responsible for bringing home the bacon, but also running the kids to soccer practice, making...